A - Background
The Centre
for Biomedical Law (CDB) was created by a decision of the Academic
Board of the Faculty of Law, at the suggestion of Prof. Guilherme
de Oliveira, in May 1988. In November 1997, the Centre was constituted
as a private, non profit-making Association.
For the first few years, it was directed by Prof. Francisco Pereira
Coelho, and its current director is Prof. Guilherme de Oliveira.
At first, the members of the Centre were lecturers from the Faculty
of Law, from various specialities - Constitutional Law, Administrative
Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Labour Law. After it became a non
profit-making organization, and under its articles of association,
the CDB opened its doors to other members. It is now proud to number
among its membership some distinguished professionals from the fields
of Law and Health.
The CDB is concerned with organizing public debate on topics of
Biomedical Law, with improving the bibliographical resources of
the Faculty of Law, and with promoting education in Health Law.
B - Education
1 - Postgraduate studies in Medical Law
Prof. Guilherme de Oliveira
course aims to provide its students with specialist legal training
in Medical Law. The first part of the course - a general introduction
- is composed of modules that are designed to set Medical Law in
the framework of the major doctrinal areas of Law: Constitutional;
Administrative, Civil, Criminal, Labour, Confidentiality and Data
Protection, and Ethics Committees. Special attention has been given
to patients' rights and to the civil, criminal and disciplinary
liability of doctors.
The second - specific - part will deal in detail with the multiple
domains in this branch of law: Treatment and arbitrary Medical-surgical
Interventions; HIV and AIDS; Drug Addiction; elective Abortion,
Assisted Procreation, Surrogate Mothers, Cloning, Mental Health,
Clinical Experimentation, Prenatal Diagnostics, Organ and Tissue
Harvesting and Transplantation, Transsexualism, the Medical expert,
Understanding the Human Genome, and Biotechnological Patents.
2 - Postgraduate
studies in Pharmacy and Medicinal Products Law
Prof. Guilherme de Oliveira (Faculty of Law) and Prof. João
Rui Pita (Faculty of Pharmacy)
is starting its 1st Postgraduate Course in Pharmacy and Medicinal
Products Law.
Regarding the law on medicinal products, the first part of the course
includes an introduction to the History, Sociology, Economics and
Management of Medicinal Products. At the level of drug creation,
attention is paid to Clinical Trials on Human Beings and animals,
and Pharmacogenetics. With respect to drug dynamics, national and
Community Institutions for regulating drugs are studied, along with
International and Community Law on Medicinal Products, Biotechnological
Patents, Advertising of Medicinal Products, and the Civil Liability
of the Pharmaceutical Industry.
With respect to Pharmacy Law, issues related to the ownership of
Pharmacies, the leasing of Pharmacies, Pharmaceutical Deontology,
Personal Databases in Pharmacies and the Pharmacist's Civil, Criminal
and Disciplinary Liability will be examined.
3 - Collaboration with other Centres
of the CDB collaborate with other organizations, namely, with the
Faculties of Medicine, Psychology and Education Sciences and Economics,
in the University of Coimbra, and with the Coimbra Centre for Bioethical
Studies and the Ordem dos Médicos (Medical Association).
Internationally, academic and scientific links are maintained with
a number of European institutions, including: the Institut fuer
Medizin- und Arzteimittelrecht (Goettingen, Germany); the Institut
fuer Deutsches, Europaeisches und Internationales Medizinrecht,
Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik, of Heidelberg and Mannheim (Germany);
the Center for Etik og Ret (Copenhagen, Denmark); the Sheffield
Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics (England), the Interfacultair
Centrum voor Biomedische Ethiek en Recht Leuven (Belgium), and the
Catedra Interuniversitaria Genoma y Derecho (Bilbao, Spain).
4 - Colloquiums and Short Courses
has organized public discussion on the major topics of advances
in medical science at interdisciplinary colloquiums on Assisted
Reproduction, Transplant, Analysis of the Human Genome, HIV and
AIDS, Mental Health Law and Clinical Trials. Its members are also
regularly invited to take part in debates organized by other institutions
interested in Biomedical subjects.
Quite recently (September 2001), it held an Intensive Course on
Medical Law / Cours Intensif de Droit Médical, bringing some
of the most distinguished Professors from the finest Universities
and Biomedical Law Research Centres to Coimbra. The course was attended
by a large number of undergraduate and postgraduate students from
Europe, Brazil and Africa. It comprised about 50 hours of classes
and was designed to explore the various branches of Medical Law
in depth.
Two seminars are being prepared, on 'Biology and Genetics for Jurists',
and 'Intra-family communication of genetic data'.
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Legal Rules - Practical Application
Coimbra, Almedina 1994
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